Wednesday, July 18, 2007


So I restate my plan, let the kid fall down and bust his ass every now and then. How did my son learn not to touch the stove top? Because his index finger almost melted to his thumb. I told him not to but he insisted on learning himself. Hey, wanna know how he learned not to stick his finger in the electrical socket? He sprinted into my bedroom one day showing off a new hairdo that was reminiscent of Einstein after a night of opium induced ass banging. Let them get their asses kicked a little. Obviously step in when the kid decides to set fire to the curtains or starts a "Fight Club" in the bathroom but other than that it's ok to let them pick themselves up when they fall. Let them gain some character while feeding their brains. Let them learn to be, at the very least, somewhat independant. Let them be thankful that mommy and daddy knew when to stop coddling their precious baby and allowed them to figure a few things out themselves. That way they might not be afraid to turn out a little like you. Hell, I hope my son turns out a little like his old man who at the age of twenty-five still lied to his boss when he had to go home and take a shit or "Help The Padre" as I liked to call it.
I believe that our children will thank us for backing off and giving them space. I had quite a few friends when I was younger whose parents were unbelievable. Constantly nagging and following them around and busting their balls to the point where one of closest friends had the theme from "The Omen" play on his cell phone every time his mother called. Take a good look "cuz that'll be you. Don't worry they'll be ok. Just stand back and watch them grow. They might just impress you.

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