Saturday, September 22, 2007

Should I Move?

We all know what the word is on our leadership around here and I love talking shit about them. Nothing pleases me more than to talk a Bush lover into submission. However, I have been told many times that, "This is America. Love it or leave it." This always stalls my verbal bombardment. Should I leave? Really. Should I pack my shit and head elswhere. I suppose I could go Canadian and just look down every now and then with a hearty laugh thanks to the FREE HEALTH CARE I'd be getting.
After I'm told to leave by these submissive, red-neck, red state, authority loving mofo's, I always go into deep thought. Should I leave? I complain about this country enough. It's war, it's cover ups, it's non-seperation of church and state. I think long and hard about this issue. I always come to the same conclusion.
NO!!! My fat ass is staying where it is. I'm staying and there's nothing you bitches can do about it. I'm gonna stick around and see if I can help this place get back to the ways that made it great. Think about it. We're all here because this is where you go to make your dreams come true. If, back in the day, the American slogan was, " America . . . Fuck Yo Mama!" all our ancestors would've stayed home.
Unfortunately we get to deal with this regime that apparently wants this country to head into a fascist state. So there. it's settled. I'll stay and fight the good fight. Who's with me? Oh . . . wait a minute . . . there's a group of really white guys in JC Penney suits outside my window. I gotta go.