Sunday, July 15, 2007


So I was reading some poetry that I had written and I couldn't help but notice that my poetry sucked anus. When I think poetry, names like Frost and Bukowski come to mind. What I have is a series of grievances that should be filed with the union. Every poem was one long bitchfest. Not that this is a bad thing, at least I'm aware of how shitty things have been since I replaced religion with thoughts of my own in '94. But it did get me asking why I hadn't perched my fat ass on top of a telephone pole somewhere and heaved heated jam baskets at the public. You figure someone with so much to be angry about would have done something to release a little of that aggresion. Well, my parents always told me that people get ass raped in prison so I decided to start playing the drums ... and occasionaly beat the shit out of someone but that's not the point. The point is that I didn't turn into a headline that turned into a movie of the week that turned into a reason to smother your children. Here is my call to action: STOP FUCKING WITH YOUR KIDS!!!
Stop telling me that they're the future and that they're important. I know this. I have children of my own and would do anything for them. What I will not do is climb up their ass and make sure that every single thing in their lives is to my liking or follows a certain standard. I like taking people's standards and shitting on them. I don't follow any rules and I don't expect my kids to either. I can only imagine how many of you are getting flustered and wishing you had my phone # so you can school me on parenting. Calm yourself. I don't mean rules like, "Don't kill the neighbor's cat then shit on their porch while you draw a hop-scotch grid that instead of numbers has all the funny little different ways of saying the word vagina." No. I mean rules like the unwritten ones that have been burned into everyones psyche. The ones that are supposed to make you fit in and be accepted. You can ask many of the fine folks that attended high school with me about how I love conforming to the norm. I almost got kicked out of school because I drew a shitty picture of the vice principal blowing the janitor, made 250 copies then plastered the walls with my master piece. Need I say more?
To be continued...

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