Monday, January 21, 2008

Dora The Pain In My Ass

You got kids? I got kids. My oldest one, despite his testosterone trying to naturally pull him away, enjoys watching Dora. You know, the firey young Mexican who apparently has the freedom at the age of ten that most adults are jealous of. Imagine what would happen if you decided to hike five counties away when you were a kid. "Let's go Pick berries at the top of a mountain." Kiss my ass, kid.
She can't see worth a shit either. She'll be standing two feet away from a row boat and still have the balls to ask my son, "Do you see a row boat?" My son doesn't even bother answering anymore because he knows her and that prick monkey that follows her around are completely full of shit. And then just to top it all off she tells the kids to scream in spanish at six AM. "Ayuda Me! Ayuda Me!" And my son won't miss the oppurtunity to bellow before sunrise. I will get my revenge. When she's a plain old whore with six kids living on the outskirts of the drunken village of Irapuato, I'm gonna come out with my own show that'll have her kids screaming in Italian, "Va Fa Chulo"!